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$300/1次 (包兩隻動物),服務時間60分鐘




$300/visit (2 animals), service duration 60 mins

Extra $20 for every additional animal, large dogs $50

i.g. 2 visits per day = $600

*Transportation fee is included

Add-on service

  • Medications or eye/ear drops (Add $20 per visit)

  • Subcutaneous water injection treatment to be discussed


  • 基本餵藥或滴眼藥水 (加$20)

  • 皮下水注射治療(加$100)

  • 聞氣治療(另議)

Why choose our Cat & Pet sitting service?

 -Avoid commuting to and from pet hotel

 -Cats don't need to adjust to new environment

 -Never need to ask your neighbors/relatives to take care of your cats again

 -Great and money saving for multiple cats household





















郵件,垃圾 & 植物護理

-每日whatsapp或電郵 (照片) !



- Feeding/Water
- Medications

- Daily litterbox care

- Dog walking
- Play time
- Lots of love & petting

- Home security

- Cleanup

- Mail, trash & plant care

- Daily Whatsapp or email (photos!)



問: 如果我的寵物,在寵物保姆照顧期間生病了怎辨?

笞: 我們的寵物保姆,在每天上門照顧你的寵物期間,會先進行基本的件健康檢查,如發現動物有生病的跡象,我們會根據立即聯絡主人,並在主人同意下帶寵物前往指定或就近的診所。所有醫療及交通費用,會由主1回來時支付。

Q: What happens when my animal becomes sick while I was away?

A: Our professional pet sitter will perform a basic health check on every single one of the animal each time we come to  your premise. If any signs indicate your animal needs medical attention, our pet sitter will contact owner immediately and take your animal to the nearest veterinarian hospital or a clinic you assigned to. Pet owner is responsible for all transportation and medical costs.

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